***Note to reader***
Everything on this site is written from my point of view and based off of my experiences, meaning it makes complete sense that you may not agree or relate to or with what I am saying.. I just ask you to please respect that we are different and thank you for taking the time to read what I have written (:
Before I say anything else I want to make it clear that these are all my opinions. Not here to say that they're right or they're wrong. They are just what they are, so stay open-minded and keep reading (or don't it's you life).
I'm not perfect, I never will be and I never want to be.
But what I am (or more importantly) WHO I am, is a person who has hit her own version of rock bottom, and I'm not talking recently deposited limestone, I'm referring to igneous rock from the darkest depths of the ocean.
Okay actually that was definitely a stretch, but you got my point (or stopped reading which is cool too).
Anyway.. Writing is how I escape my struggles and often how I even make sense of what I'm feeling. Because as much as I would like to be that "cool girl" that goes with the flow.. I'm not.. and never will be.
But I am a cool girl.. just in my own, dorky way.
Maybe something I write will help you with something you're going through...
... Or maybe you'll just laugh at some dumb $h!t that I say.
Either way, you have nothing to lose.
- Xoxo Mild Girl
Something that has helped me over the years when dealing with peer pressure is deciding where exactly the line I won't cross is. Whether it's talking about relationships or different social norms.
Whenever my friends ask me to do something my immediate internal reaction is yes; sometimes even before hearing exactly what they want to do. I am a people pleaser, and like to make others happy. But something that I've come to realize over the years is that sometimes it's making yourself happt that is the most important thing. Which is why befoer "going out" I make sure to know not only what the plan is, but also what could potentially be the consequences of our actions.
After you decide what your limits are it is important to make sure that they really are your limits. This means never thinking "just this once" or anything along the lines of that. Because once you bend them every time from then on it is just going to be easier and easier to do so again.
One thing that took me nearly to the end of high school to learn was how to choose the right friends. Just because someone may seem cool, and to have a lot of fun, doesn't necessarily mean that they're a good fit for you.
Earlier I made it clear that I like to be the person that says yes, as opposed to no... especially when friends are involved. But you know that little voice in the back of your head that tells you it's probably not the best idea to go to THAT kind've party? Right there is why we have no. 5 on the list. It's important to ask questions and to know what exactly you're getting yourself into.
A friend may be annoyed with you at the moment for saying you either can't or shouldn't, go out. But if this person is a true friend, one who cares for your well being, then they will understand and not hold a grudge against you for keeping yourself safe.
Here's a secret.. you decide if what you like is cool. There may be some stigma that you have to binge drink and party all night to be considered "popular" but it's all a facade. Real coolness comes from genuine fun and connections with the people who are important to you.