This page is meant to dive into the depths of relationships and commitment in order to help you analyze and compare your own relationships
No one in this world wants to be alone. Regardless whether it's talking about friendship or a romantic relationship, connections and interactions with other human beings are a key component in our lives. Without my friends and family, I can honestly say my mere existence would be nearly impossible. The support system that I have at home and at school is what drives me every day to keep going and make goals towards the future.
This section of my blog will cover different aspects of relationships: What should we suspect from them? Toxic vs. Non-toxic? How do you know? Am I considering others needs, as well as my own?
The phrases "Family first" is going to be taken quite literally in this article. Your family is the first real relationship you ever experience in your life. Ultimately how this relationship is formed and evolves over time will set the tone for future relationships. What I mean by this, if someone were to have a less than favorable relationship with their father, they may be prompted to either try harder to have a good relationship with their own child. As well as have the potential to demonstrate the same behaviors as exhibited by their father that called for the bad relationship.
Family also acts as a support system for you, this support is what allows us to eventually be comfortable enough to go out and establish different types of relationships, outside those immediately related to you.
Perhaps the biggest misconception for teens is that your parents are automatically lame and "don't understand you". Well, in my experience the later can be considered applicable in certain areas involving technology that our parents were not exposed to as young as we were. As for the lame factor, I completely disagree. My parents, despite their age, are some of the coolest people I have ever met. I recall when I was younger taking rides to the ice cream shop in the sidecar of my fathers' motorcycle, and the shopping trips with my mom where every store had something that "was the best thing I had ever seen". These pleasant memories and their materialistic components are not the reason that I feel such admiration for my parents. Though at times I'm sure I come across as someone who cares more about things, rather than people (as most of us do at some point); I'm a rather simple girl. Every day I notice the little things people do for, and I write them down in a journal. So whenever someone goes out of their way to show me some sort of kind gesture, I make sure to take note. Because it's the little things that count.
When you look through the pages of this book, of all the names scribbled across the page, there is one that stands out above all else.. mom. My mother, while we may not always see eye to eye, is someone that I can count on at any day and any time. She is the kind've woman who puts her family first, above all else. Which brings me to one of the key components of relationships; priorities. The entire basis of relationships are built around commitment, and how exactly do you make a commitment? By prioritizing that person or people because of their importance to you.